
Mehedi Hasan

Hi, My name is Mehedi Hasan Nahid, I am a web developer.

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Merphy with the UCPE-RDC team

The project is developed in partnership with a series of local partners whose contact is managed from our office in the Democratic Republic of Congo (UCPE-RDC) in order to facilitate the deployment of our actions. Among these partners we can mention the authorities of Central Kongo (Governorate, Prefecture and Town Hall of the city of Matadi, etc.), whose help will be beneficial in the search for a plot of land for the construction of the library.  We are also counting on the participation of private companies to finance the project, particularly construction companies (BTP). Finally, we will benefit from the help of volunteers in the maintenance and running of the structure.

Head Office
2 place de Séoul
75014 Paris
