
Mehedi Hasan

Hi, My name is Mehedi Hasan Nahid, I am a web developer.

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Our Projects

Un Cadre Pour l'Enfant's principle is to carry out long-term missions with the aim of creating local branches that will maintain our various projects. Our first mission is in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Two projects are underway in the city of Matadi, in the Central Kongo region.

Kuenda Classe

In the Kikongo language "Kuenda Classe" means "going to school". This is the first project of the association. This first act directly responds to our objective of facilitating access to education in developing countries, and reflects our fields of action: schooling, environment and hygiene, as well as art. 

In a few figures the Kuenda Classe project is:

– 268 students before our arrival in the 2017– 2018 school year

– Over 300 students after our first mission in 2018-2019

– Over 75 children sponsored, enabling them to finance their school fees.

– All registered students received school supplies

– The school has benefited from teaching materials and fully rehabilitated classrooms.

The Kuenda Classe project also has the long-term objective of raising awareness of children and their surroundings about hygiene and environmental issues through workshops and brochures. Also, in order to encourage the development of the children, we set up cultural workshops (plastic arts, live shows...). Find all the pictures taken during our mission in Matadi in our gallery.

Nzo Ya Mayele

Located 330 km from Kinshasa, the town of Matadi will benefit from the "Kuenda Classe" project, as well as the "Nzo ya mayele" project, otherwise known as "the house of knowledge". This project consists of the construction of a library for all Matadians. 

The city of Matadi currently has no library, the "Nzo ya mayele" project aims to fill this gap. The project was launched in August 2019, as a continuation of our initiatives with the city.
The library is therefore the next step to be taken to further improve the structures related to access to knowledge and education.


The two-storey, 20×20m library will offer several spaces: 

  • Youth area: this area will be made up of school and non-school books (novels, comics, etc.) and fun activities will be offered (board games, role playing). 

  • Scientific and cultural documentation area: this area will contain a variety of literature (novels, comics and specialised works). 

  • Study area & homework help: A room will be set aside so that children can study and benefit from personalised support from qualified volunteers. 

  • Computer room: Fifteen desktop computers are made available. The aim is to familiarise the children with basic computer tools (Word, Excel, PowerPoint). 

  • Artistic space: Setting up photography and painting workshops, traditional dances, traditional stories (based on Mbongi). Introduction to folk music and traditional local instruments (nsambi, ngoma...) and instruments used in the rest of the world.

Head Office
2 place de Séoul
75014 Paris
